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Metro Centre Auto World

Flexible Car Finance

Spread the cost of buying your car with simple monthly repayments. Our team at Elm Tree motors supports your needs and financial circumstances.

Metro Centre Auto World

Part Exchange

Receive a fair price on your car and pay a great price for your next. No automated robots Elm Tree Motors values your car manually giving you a much better price.

Metro Centre Auto World

Why Elm Tree Motors

We have over 250 cars listed on our site in Dunston Gateshead. We are professionals in the poor credit industry and we provide support regardless of your situation.

Welcome to Metro Centre Auto World Dunston Gateshead

Metro Centre Auto World is a family business located in Dunston, Gateshead. We specialise in the sale of quality, previously owned cars from manufacturers such as BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen, Ford, Renault, Nissan and more, all competitively priced and professionally presented.

Our customer reach spans the surrounding areas of Gateshead, Lemmington, and Newcastle Upon Tyne This website is updated daily, listing our latest stock with images and details.

At Metro Centre Auto World we go the extra mile to ensure that your car buying experience will be a pleasurable one and one that should be measured against the very biggest of car dealers. Our services include:

  • Finance available / FCA Approved
  • AA / RAC inspections welcome
  • Vehicles purchased for cash
  • Selected warranties available
  • Part exchanges welcome
  • Every car is valeted internally, and externally prior to sale
  • Open 7 days a week
  • Delivery service available
  • All major credit and debit cards accepted

Book an appointment with one of our professional and friendly team today if you have a specific inquiry or alternatively visit us during our open hours to view the used cars that we have for sale.

Buying with Metro Centre Auto World means you can buy with confidence; from the moment you walk through the door to fantastic customer aftercare packages, we believe in supporting our customers every step of the way with the above range of services and finance packages.

Car sales Dunston, Car sales Gateshead, Car Sales Lemmington

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Metro Centre Auto World
Metro Centre Auto World